De nuevo en un lugar de la mancha...

jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

Latest thoughts, latest things, latest night

Four months ago I had to give up some of my principles, some of my previous beliefs and started a new road. I needed it because I was planning changes for my life, mainly in my career. I planned that changes after opening my mind during a trip that definitively changed my life and now, I wish that this new trip change my life and mind in the same way.

After that trip I planned to change my life by fixing targets. I didn't say nothing to nobody, except one person (she knows who is), even to my parents. I don't like to reveal my plans because if you cannot complete them you can lose credibility. Now I have new and unrevealed targets.

Now I have achieved my first target...
money (always the damned money). To get money I started a new job and to get it I hid part of my skills, qualifications and titles. It's sad but it was necessary.

The second target will be achieved soon, but inevitably. Then will come the third, the fourth and more achieved targets; why? because I'm sure, because I think I deserve it.
Here, in my current job I have learnt a lot. A lot about this job, but more important I've learnt a lot about people and about myself. I feel more selfconfident, I 've learnt how to be discret, I know more about honesty, humility and human relationships. I must say that I needed it.
I'm gratefull to this company for their confidence on me, it's the only thing I can say before leave.
And you, go beyond, don't be just stand or quiet. Just do it and do it like Sinatra said: "My way" If you don't do it your way, you won't learn, you won't evolve.
Today, in this dark night, I see myself more clearly.
(Sorry about my mistakes, I'm still learning)

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